One to One
Coaching with Lulu
The time is now to invest in your beautiful self and create a life you truly desire
All you have to do is

The heart knows

When you really check in with Yourself how satisfied are you with your life?
Do you wake in the morning and jump out of bed excited for what magic can unfold or do you roll over and hit the snooze button and think to yourself here is another shit day on Planet Earth and I have to do it all again? If you lean more towards the snoozing and good old-fashioned moaning (no judgement here) then we have work to do. Life is full to the brim with vibrancy and juice if you choose to acknowledge this.
You see we have choice in every moment to empower ourselves or not and its absolutely ok if you are not full steam ahead all the time. You are not meant to be. Our body and the menstrual cycle holds all the wisdom we need to living a fully embodied balanced life. It is in our best interest always to radiate natures way and deeply listen. She is always teaching YOU.
The wisdom is to know that things can change just like the seasons and YOU HAVE CHOICE… It’s up to YOU to create you’re reality however you see fit. You are the creator of your life afterall and can paint what you want to see on you’re canvas…. how magic is that? You can shape life how you want. You can literally decide if you are going to have a good day or a bad day and that is the beauty of having Free Will.
Even if having a seemingly difficult and challenging time you can turn it around with bringing awareness back to Self, checking in with where your energy is being placed, what thoughts, feelings, sensations are present and on the whole how you are viewing life in that moment, either from a place of victimhood or as an empowered Goddess. This is Self mastery and like I said before Self love is the missing ingredient to living a fully embodied rich life. It all starts and ends with YOU.
What I can offer you as your Holistic Coach?
I will provide you with tools and techniques to create lasting change in your life. I want to support you to unlock your true potential and see past any limiting beliefs stopping you moving forward opening you up to new ways of seeing. Human beings are complex and we have many layers.
Holistic Coaching looks at the entirety of a Human being diving deep into the mind/body connection through mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects which aims to cultivate deeper Self Awareness. I want to be your biggest cheerleader and guide you towards the answers that reside in YOU.
I want to awaken your Empowered Self so you can really show up and flourish during this lifetime. YOU WERE BORN TO SHINE (great film if you haven’t seen)
It EXCITES me to see Women living life on their terms and really anchoring in their Sensuality, believing fully that they are the source of their own wellbeing…
I am here to create a Fun, Confidential and safe Container where we work together over a time frame of you’re choosing and move in the direction of you ‘re desires looking at everything that is currently limiting you from taking off… I have some great tools to support you around breaking free from the shackles you have maybe placed yourself in that you may or may not realise… I GOT YOU
I am here to deeply listen and support and guide you in moving forward to create a colourful life. I will never give advice… honestly you don’t need it. You have all the answers inside you…. YOU ARE THE KEY
I aim to support you with cultivating the most deep and meaningful intimate relationship with your Self. I want you to feel alive and be able to face anything that you come up against, remembering Self Love is the key. This is my life mission and makes me light up from the inside out. YOU ARE SO COURAGEOUS
During my sessions I use movement as medicine so we can fully integrate what we have spoken about. Allowing all the energy to pass through leaving you to go into your day feeling a lot lighter.
Who I would love to work with
I work with no more than 4 clients at a time so I can show up as my best Self. I would absolutely love to work with women who are open and willing to show up for themselves fully. Vulnerability is our superpower! I choose to work with Women who are Courageous and ready to shake off the shackles of conditioning, those women who want to feel the Magic of Life and are willing to take a leap and take action are the Wild ones.
We are all wild at the core. I just need to make certain you are ready to unleash this. My packages are really affordable because I want to support as many Women as possible during my life here on Earth.
I would love you to get in touch so we can chat on the phone and see if it’s a YES to Self-Love mastery and creating a full life. HOME LITERALLY IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS… EVERYTHING BEGINS AND ENDS HERE. It is your sacred anchor.