About me
Hello lovelies, I am Lulu Powers thank you for stopping by!
I love love love to dance its my biggest passion. I came in dancing and I am sure I will be heading out like a waltzing matilda. Dance and Music my best medicine. I have recently started playing the guitar, learning to DJ and the Djembe drum. I just love trying new things because it opens up my logical side of the brain.
Many years ago I graduated in Psychology which gave me the foundation I needed to fully explore the Human Psyche. The Psychological Mind and connection to body always fascinated me, and I wanted to keep diving deeper and look at human behaviour especially my own Self- destructive patterns in the years to come.
As a graduate from the Mind Body Food Institute for Holistic life coaching and embarking on my own Spiritual quest over many years I can now say I have found the missing piece of the puzzle. I have realised that Self- love is the MAGIC ingredient to living life that is rich, juicy and full of potential awakening our most empowered Sensual Self. Having been a Carer for my parents these past 20 years and working for Mental Health charities full time I decided to take myself in a new direction, in fact life came and shook me and woke me up. You see life is always on our side but more often than not we don’t recognise the blessings and the lessons.
When things seemingly go wrong, we blame others, the world, and even ourselves creating a whole lot of upheaval within us. The break down I had was a breakthrough I wholeheartedly see this now... it was time to look deep inside my own being.
The world I knew came crashing down like a domino effect. I lost my whole family to brain degeneration with Alzheimer’s being the silent assassinator in a relatively short space of time. Felt like I was living someone else’s life as I was so busy trying to micromanage my circumstances and make sure everyone was safe, happy, secure, loved and had everything they needed that I forgot about my lovely Self, my needs and my own values.
I had been running on autopilot for so many years trying to balance and control outcome. I wanted to save everyone and keep my family together as best as I could. I didn’t want to feel alone, the penny then started to drop, I began to notice that this is precisely what I needed to feel to have my breakthrough. Such a blessing to feel these E motions fully now.
You really don’t have to wait until there is a physical illness to do this. You can start right now from where you are, taking full responsibility for your lovely Self. We really are only responsible for our Self and this is not selfish it’s the kindest most in service to others thing you can do. I began to realise I was always pouring from and empty cup going round in circles thinking I was helping. Now I can support others in a way that is free flowing by not compromising myself in any given moment by living natures way. Taking a breath with you my love ahhhh.
I noticed something had to change. My body began to take score and could see I was travelling upstream, full steam ahead. It stopped me dead in my tracks.. Chronic pain became my daily experience, this led me to living with Low Self Esteem and Social anxiety for many years. Pain has definitely been my biggest teacher I must say, it taught me to look inside and go on an inward journey and uncover everything that has been blocking me.
The pain stopped me dancing too which is my biggest passion from being a child, this hurt the most I never thought I would be able to dance again and was actually told this by a physician who I believed for a good while instead of listening to myself. Every time I am on the dancefloor now which is daily my heart bursts open, I AM SO VERY GRATEFUL as movement really is medicine.
Once you begin to live life for you then circumstances will meet you where you are at. There is no need to chase anything. Life is a mirror.... Be the change you wish to see in the World…. (good old Nelson Mandela) meaning if you want a loving relationship you need to love your Self first.... if you want to be respected, you have to respect yourself first. If you want consistency in relationships you first and foremost need to be consistently showing up for yourself. This is the secret to fulfillment, and I can't wait to support YOU in unlocking your innate freedom.